Ally Financial Inc (ALLY) Stock Price, News, Quote & History
Shares of Ally Financial Inc were up 1.61% in the most recent session on Friday, April 8, 2022, from $42.21 to $42.89. During the day, the stock has surged 3.45% from a daily low of $42.02 to a daily high of $43.47. The price has declined in 7 of the past 10 days, losing -4.33% during that time. Volume rose along with price on the last day, a positive technical sign, with total volume up 336,000 shares from the previous day. In total, 4 million shares were bought and sold for about $167.36 million.
The stock is in a broad and bearish trend in the short term, and further declines within the trend are signaling. Given the current short-term trend, the stock is expected to decline -15.54% over the next 3 months, with a 90% chance of trading between $31.68 and $39.14 by the end of that 3-month period. Note that if the stock price manages to stay at current levels or higher, our forecast target will change positively over the next few days as the conditions of the current forecast are broken.
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Signals and Predictions
Stocks had mixed signals today. Ally Financial Inc's stock contains sell signals from both short-term and long-term moving averages, making the stock's outlook even more bearish. Additionally, a general sell signal is generated by the relationship between two signals where the long-term average is higher than the short-term average. Any upward correction will provide some resistance at the $43.11 and $44.65 lines. A breakout of any of these levels would provide a buy signal. A buy signal was issued from the pivot low on Monday, March 7, 2022, up 5.10% year to date. The display increases further until a new top pivot is found. Also, a buy signal from the 3-month moving average convergence-divergence (MACD). Volume increases with price. This is considered a good technical signal.
Support, Risk and Stop Loss
Ally Financial Inc is finding support from accumulated volume at $41.65, a level that could provide a buying opportunity as an upside reaction is expected if the support level is tested.
The stock has an average intraday trend with high volume and medium risk. On the last day, the stock traded between the high and low of $1.45, or 3.45%. The stock's average daily volatility over the past week was 2.86%.
Our recommended stop loss: We have a negative rating on this stock. No stop loss is set.
Is Ally Financial Inc stock a buy?
Ally Financial Inc has received several negative signals and we think it will still underperform for the next few days or weeks. Therefore, we rate the stock negatively.